Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What's the secret of success?

"Success is usually earned by persevering and not becoming discouraged when we encounter challenges. Paul Harvey, the famous news analyst and author, once said: 'Someday I hope to enjoy enough of what the world calls success so that someone will ask me, "What's the secret of it?" I shall say simply this: "I get up when I fall down" ' (quoted in Marvin J. Ashton, Conference Report, Oct. 1981, 126)."
      How true is that! There is power in getting up when we fall down. No matter what your circumstances might be, the gospel of Jesus Christ can help you. We all run into things in our life that trip us up, make us fall down, and just seem to level us to the ground. When we read the scriptures, when we go to church, say our prayers, and do something nice for someone else we are really picking ourselves up. Jesus Christ should be central to all that we do.
      "Jesus said, 'Without me ye can do nothing.' (John 15:5). I testify that that is God's truth. Christ is everything to us and we are to 'abide' in Him permanently, unyieldingly, steadfastly, forever. For the fruit of the gospel to blossom and bless our lives, we must be firmly attached to Him, the Savior of us all, and to this His Church, which bears His holy name. He is the vine that is our true source of strength and the only source of eternal life. In Him we not only will endure but also will prevail and triumph in this holy cause that will never fail us." (Abide in Me," Ensign, May 2004, 32)
        It is my testimony that when ever we seem to be down in the dumps, struggling to get out, if we turn to the Lord of Host, the Prince of Peace, our Master and Savior, the Son of God, Jesus Christ he will be able to help us overcome any trials and situation we are in.

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